Why Did I Stop Taking NMN?

NMN is the best-known nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursor supplement in the town, and some other supplements such as Nicotinic Acid( NA), Nicotinamide (Nam) and Tryptophan (Trp). All are vitamin B3 derivatives, except Tryptophan. It is the kind of amino acid that is contained in various foods.


Recent study on NR and NA and the result were NR was in the highest level of circulating NAD+.


Food products in which NMN is present are avocado, broccoli, cabbage, and tomatoes.


How is an NAD+ precursor, NMN, better than NR?

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has never been examined in any clinical studies or in a clinical lab to find out whether  NAD+ has less energy than NR. 


Here are some comparisons of NMN and NR in several ways.


NMN or nicotinamide mononucleotide supplements on Amazon or in any online shopping app, there are more than 180 NMN supplements from over 30 suppliers, and the number is still on the rise every week.  But only two NR supplement brands are available. 


NMN Molecule is more efficient than NR

If you have a question about which supplements are more efficient then here is an answer for that.


NMN is an immediate predecessor to NAD+ and it directly converts to NAD+ by the action of the enzyme NMNAT. Whereas NR is an indirect predecessor to NAD+.  To synthesize NAD+, NR has two types to follow,

1. NR first converts to phosphorylation into NMN, which then converts to NAD+, and another type is

2. NR must react through a five-stage pathway to NAD+ synthesis (NR → Nam → NAMN+ → NAAD+ → NAD+) after the five completed pathways the NR will convert into NAD+. This method is known as the de novo pathway.

And there will be a big problem in the de novo pathway. This pathway is enzymatically rate-limited.


Which one is more stable

In both mice and human studies, NR has been confirmed to be highly unstable and quickly degrade into regular vitamin B3. NR that degrades into B3 which is restricted to the rate-limited de novo pathway can’t increase your NAD+ levels above your baseline in your body.


Is it safe to use NMN

We all know that is NMN safe is  used to increase cellular levels of NAD. Every supplement has minimal side effects even NMN has some side effects. Studies in humans have shown that doses up to 1,200mg daily are safe to consume.


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